If you purchased gourds for your Halloween decor, preserve them for use on your Thanksgiving table! Here’s how:

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After the harvest, gourds need a thorough wash. Rinse each gourd under warm running water. Wash gourds gently with a few drops of liquid dishwashing soap, then rinse them thoroughly. As you wash the gourds, handle them carefully to avoid damaging the delicate skin. Soak small gourds in a bucket filled with 10-percent bleach solution to get rid of any remaining bacteria or dirt. Wipe very large gourds with a cloth dipped in the solution. Pat the gourds dry with a clean towel.


Gourds need a dry, warm, shaded and well-ventilated spot for curing. Cover a flat surface with cardboard or newspaper, then set the gourds down so they don't touch. A blowing fan can help increase circulation in poorly ventilated rooms. Turn the gourds every few days to allow all parts of the shell to dry. Gourds are usually fully dry in one to six months, depending on size. If you shake a gourd and hear seeds rattling inside, it's dry and ready to use. Discard gourds that rot during the drying process.


Many gourds have a rough shell, but you can smooth and polish it to a glossy shine. Use steel wool or rough sandpaper to gently buff the shell until it's smooth. A wire brush cleans the hard-to-reach places. Gourds in the Lagenaria genus, such as the bottle gourd, have a tough outer skin and a smooth shell underneath. Soak these gourds in warm water for 10 minutes, then use a scouring pad or wire brush to remove the outer skin. Sterilize the gourds with a 10-percent bleach solution, then let them dry. Add designs to cured gourds with paint, stain, wax or carvings.

Christie VanderLaanDECOR, FALL